Establishment of appropriate location for international medical service aftercare center - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process & deriving key indicators


Tae-Gyu YU,NamSeoul Univ. (331-707) Dept. Geriatric welfare Assistant Professor, NamSeoul Univ., Seounghwan-Eup, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan-city, Korea


The Recently, the domestic hospitals industry changed a lot in January 2009 when the National Assembly passed the Law to Attract Foreign Patients. Domestic hospitals, which had original restrictions on the patient 's activities, gradually became free of the visitor' s activities for foreign patients and put much effort into overseas marketing. Eventually, as of 2015, 260,000 overseas patients have flown into the country as a result of these efforts. Despite these efforts, however, foreigners' entry into the domestic foreign patient market has largely decreased due to the Sad situation in China, the border conflict with Japan, and the appreciation of the Russian ruble. Despite a lot of policy support, the growth slowed. In this situation, the domestic hospitals intend to build a local office with an aftercare center and advance counseling function in order to increase the re-visit rate of foreign patients. In particular, I was worried about the location selection and management plan for establishing a post management center for Chinese patients in China, which is visiting the most in Korea. In conclusion, this study suggests that Chinese patients who visit Korea will return to their home countries after visiting Korea, improve their satisfaction in a wide range of post management areas such as post-operative counseling, difficulties, and medication guidance, It began with the worry about what is the most appropriate way to expand the inflow of patients. In order to achieve this goal, it is aimed to identify the most suitable priority area when establishing a post management center in China. To do this, in-depth interviews were conducted with domestic medical experts and hospital personnel in China, and Delphi analysis was applied to extract the results in three dimensions.



Foreign patients, Delphi analysis, AHP, follow-up management


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  • APA:
    YU,T.G.(2018). Establishment of appropriate location for international medical service aftercare center - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process & deriving key indicators. International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, 5(2), 63-70. 10.21742/IJIPHM.2018.5.2.11
  • Harvard:
    YU,T.G.(2018). "Establishment of appropriate location for international medical service aftercare center - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process & deriving key indicators". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, 5(2), pp.63-70. doi:10.21742/IJIPHM.2018.5.2.11
  • IEEE:
    [1] T.G.YU, "Establishment of appropriate location for international medical service aftercare center - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process & deriving key indicators". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, vol.5, no.2, pp.63-70, Jul. 2018
  • MLA:
    YU Tae-Gyu. "Establishment of appropriate location for international medical service aftercare center - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process & deriving key indicators". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, vol.5, no.2, Jul. 2018, pp.63-70, doi:10.21742/IJIPHM.2018.5.2.11


  • Volume 5, No. 2, 2018
  • ISSN(p):2205-8508
  • ISSN(e):2207-3965
  • Published:Jul. 2018